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  • Organizational Chart

    The ¹ú²ú´«Ã½'s (¹ú²ú´«Ã½) provides students, parents/guardians, staff and the public a visual representation of the structure and reporting relationships of the ¹ú²ú´«Ã½, from the board office to the school and community levels. The organizational chart reflects ¹ú²ú´«Ã½'s focus on students while incorporating Indigenous perspectives on leadership.

    Students at the Centre

    Unlike other organizational charts, this one places students at the centre of ¹ú²ú´«Ã½ operations, supported by their parents and guardians. 

    Front-Line Staff and Volunteers

    From there, the chart includes front-line staff, volunteers and casual staff that work directly with students, including teachers, educational assistants, school clerical and custodial teams, bus drivers, and volunteers and casual staff at work in ¹ú²ú´«Ã½'s 40 schools.

    School-Level Leaders (Principals and Vice-Principals)

    The next layer includes the Principals and Vice-Principals that make up the family of schools connected with each feeder high school (including the ¹ú²ú´«Ã½ Arts & Technical Centre, which offers vocational schooling for grades 11 and 12 students as well as post-secondary students).

    Divisional Departments

    The chart moves from school-level leadership to Divisional departments, including Staff Services, Payroll and Finance, Information Systems, Communications, Facilities, Transportation, Administrative Support, Student and Clinical Services, Indigenous Education, and Instructional Support.

    Senior Leadership Team

    The Senior Leadership Team forms the senior administrative core of the ¹ú²ú´«Ã½ and reports directly to elected Trustees. In addition to the Superintendent, the Senior Leadership Team includes four Assistant Superintendents, four Directors, and a Secretary-Treasurer. Here is the .

    ¹ú²ú´«Ã½ School Board

    Nine elected Trustees represent four wards in the ¹ú²ú´«Ã½ community, including a Chair, Vice-Chair, and seven Trustees. Each ward includes two or three representatives that are elected every four years by the electorate in conjunction with the Winnipeg Civic Election. School Board elections are run on behalf of metro school divisions by the City of Winnipeg. The Public Schools Act dictates the duties and powers of elected School Board members. The Act indicates that public education is a shared responsibility between school boards and the Minister of Education.

    ¹ú²ú´«Ã½ Community

    The last and significant layer of the organization chart includes the ¹ú²ú´«Ã½ community, which elects School Board members every four years to represent them in division governance. 

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